Sunday, January 8, 2012

My New Blog is Complete!

It's taken me a while, but I've finally finished the update of my blog. As a friend pointed out, it is now more of a writer's blog rather than a fan blog. I've added some new pages, and I'm hoping it will make things easier to access, such as my writing and the places to read and purchase them.

About "The Baron's Lady"...

For those who are reading this story, I've condensed the introduction into three parts, and you can access it on the left hand side of the blog using the archive. I created the "Introduction" as a way to explain how Isabella and Rene began their affair. From this point on, the story will focus mostly on Owen and Isabella, with a few dashes of Guy and his family thrown in. And Rene will feature a bit too. :)

About "Of Dark and Bright"...

I've provided a link to this story in my Langdon stories section. I'm not posting it in full here due to space limitations, but you use the link to reach Wattpad, where you can read it and watch for updates.

Thanks for stopping by. :)

Happy Reading!


  1. Blogs are little creatures we feed day by day with patience and love. At last, they become strong, skilled, adult beings we are proud of.
    You must be proud of your creature!

    I'm curious to know more about the Bookstore area ;-)

  2. This looks lovely! I am having fun exploring around here.

  3. Checking your blog's new look on my mobile and it looks great! :)

  4. Lady Cassia,

    Thanks for the support. The bookstore will be a while in coming. I'm hoping to eventually sell my books there, as soon as I learn how to set up an online store.


    Thanks! I'm glad you like it.


    Thanks for taking a look. I hope you like it!

  5. looks great! in the process of revamping mine too! Guess the "new year new image" bug is going around!
