1 can apple pie filling (20 ounces)
2 boxes ready-made pie
crust (4 rolls, 2 in each box)
3 tablespoons all
purpose flour
1/4 tsp cinnamon
2 tablespoons sugar
2 cups powdered sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1 tablespoon margarine
1/4 cup warm coffee
To Prepare Pie:
Mix the apple pie filling, flour, cinnamon, and sugar together in a large bowl.
In a 9 by 12 ungreased pan, put 1 1/2 rolls in bottom (Approximately 1/4 inch
to sides of pan)
Spread mixture to cover crust. Take the other 1 1/2 crust and lay over top of
mixture. Do not fold the crust together. Trim the top layer even with the
other. Put a pat of butter in each corner of pie. Bake at 425F until crust
golden brown, approx 45 minutes. Let pie cool completely.
To Prepare Icing:
Stir coffee and margarine until margarine is melted. Slowly add powdered sugar until creamy. Spread over top of pie. (Make sure the pie is completely cooled before applying icing)
Stir coffee and margarine until margarine is melted. Slowly add powdered sugar until creamy. Spread over top of pie. (Make sure the pie is completely cooled before applying icing)
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